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Training for Success

Did you know that success is scheduled?  I don’t know about you, but to get my stuff done I make a list (oh yes…I am a box checker!).

Training our dogs should not be any different.  If we do not make the time, then training will fall between the cracks and the results are less than desirable…I can promise you that!

I know that it can be hard to fit it all in, but my advice to you is add it to your list. 

When I look at my week, I always factor in time to train and groom my dogs.  Some breeds need more maintenance than others, I just happen to have a terrier that needs to be hand stripped, if I don’t stay on top of that things go south pretty darn fast!

But back to training….the only way I get it done is to literally make time.  Now with that said it is not as hard as you may think and I highly recommend that you work training into your daily life.

Here are some suggestions for a normal day:

#1 wake up to go potty - have your dog sit at the door as you open it, release cue to go out.

#2 food time - dog must sit and wait for food to be place on ground, release cue to eat.

#3 come in from outside - dog must sit, no pawing at the door, release cue to come in.

#4 high-value chew time - dog must be in designated spot (bed or blanket) to have chew.

For most of these scenarios, good manners can be practiced multiple times, every single day.  The key is to wrap your brain around expecting your dog to do them AND taking the time to make it happen.

When you first start, yes, it will take longer.  But as your dog understands the new rules, things will progress along quickly and before you know it, you will have a better behaved dog in your home.

Looking for more hands-on solutions, with training instructions?  

Make sure to join our waitlist for our soon to be re-opened Online Academy.  We only open the doors a few times per year, you don’t want to miss out.


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