Teething Puppy Support Using Essential Oils

I have so many clients with new puppies right now, that I thought it would be a good time to share my Puppy Teether DIY.

This is super simple, all you need is a rope toy, or something similar.

How To Make a DIY Puppy Teether with Essential Oils

1.) In a large mixing bowl, take 1 cup of water and add 5 drops of doTERRA Peppermint. Make sure to mix it up well, I like to use a whisk.

It is very important to note, if you are not using doTERRA Peppermint, make sure to read the label on your bottle. If it is not labeled for internal consumption, do not use it as it may not be safe.

2.) Soak your rope toy in the water, then put it in a bag to place in the freezer.

3.) Once it is frozen pull it out and you have a DIY Puppy Teether.

It's that easy!

Make sure to supervise your puppy while chewing, to ensure that no rope bits are ingested.

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